LCD_data equ P2 ;LCD Data port
LCD_D7 equ P2.7 ;LCD D7/Busy Flag
LCD_rs equ P1.0 ;LCD Register Select
LCD_rw equ P1.1 ;LCD Read/Write
LCD_en equ P1.2 ;LCD Enable
mov LCD_data,#38H ;Function set: 2 Line, 8-bit, 5x7 dots
clr LCD_rs ;Selected command register
clr LCD_rw ;We are writing in instruction register
setb LCD_en ;Enable H->L
clr LCD_en
acall LCD_busy ;Wait for LCD to process the command
mov LCD_data,#0FH ;Display on, Curson blinking command
clr LCD_rs ;Selected instruction register
clr LCD_rw ;We are writing in instruction register
setb LCD_en ;Enable H->L
clr LCD_en
acall LCD_busy ;Wait for LCD to process the command
mov LCD_data,#01H ;Clear LCD
clr LCD_rs ;Selected command register
clr LCD_rw ;We are writing in instruction register
setb LCD_en ;Enable H->L
clr LCD_en
acall LCD_busy ;Wait for LCD to process the command
mov LCD_data,#06H ;Entry mode, auto increment with no shift
clr LCD_rs ;Selected command register
clr LCD_rw ;We are writing in instruction register
setb LCD_en ;Enable H->L
clr LCD_en
acall LCD_busy ;Wait for LCD to process the command
ret ;Return from routine
Now we can do the same thing in C, I am giving example using Keil C. Similar code can be written for SDCC.
#define LCD_data P2
#define LCD_D7 P2_7
#define LCD_rs P1_0
#define LCD_rw P1_1
#define LCD_en P1_2
void LCD_init()
LCD_data = 0x38; //Function set: 2 Line, 8-bit, 5x7 dots
LCD_rs = 0; //Selected command register
LCD_rw = 0; //We are writing in data register
LCD_en = 1; //Enable H->L
LCD_en = 0;
LCD_busy(); //Wait for LCD to process the command
LCD_data = 0x0F; //Display on, Curson blinking command
LCD_rs = 0; //Selected command register
LCD_rw = 0; //We are writing in data register
LCD_en = 1; //Enable H->L
LCD_en = 0;
LCD_busy(); //Wait for LCD to process the command
LCD_data = 0x01; //Clear LCD
LCD_rs = 0; //Selected command register
LCD_rw = 0; //We are writing in data register
LCD_en = 1; //Enable H->L
LCD_en = 0;
LCD_busy(); //Wait for LCD to process the command
LCD_data = 0x06; //Entry mode, auto increment with no shift
LCD_rs = 0; //Selected command register
LCD_rw = 0; //We are writing in data register
LCD_en = 1; //Enable H->L
With the help of the above code, you are able to initialize the LCD.
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